Tuesday, April 24, 2007

10 Year Study Disproves Abortion-Breast Cancer Link

This will be good with GAP coming up!

There is no evidence that having had an abortion increases the risk of
breast cancer," Thun tells WebMD. "This is a subject that has received
a lot of visibility; something that has been looked at repeatedly. There is strong scientific consensus this is the case."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't wish to give an argument against the study here, but one thing that has been sort of lost in the coverage is that the study does confirm past findings that carrying a child to term reduces the risk of breast cancer. So I just thought I would share that with you.

>Karin Michels of Brigham and Women's Hospital, who headed the study, said that someone who has had an abortion "misses out on the potential benefit she would have had if she had a full-term pregnancy."


-Joe, Students for Life