Thursday, September 28, 2006

Gearing up for the Debate!

A big shout out to any new readers since the First Look Fair, the fair was very sucessful and we got a ton of new interested people on our listserv. If you aren't recieving meeting updates and want to be, just join our facebook group.
We are gearing up for our big debate against Students for Life next week. We have had a change of speaker, but the event still remains the same and we need all the pro-choice students on campus to come out!
Betsy Cavendish (us) will be debating Stephanie Gray (them). She will probably be bringing her usual piles of disgusting, sensationalized images, so we want lots of pro-choicers in the audience to make sure that SFL knows that UMD students don't approve of the use of disgusting and misleading images to change people's minds.
Cavendish is a graduate of Yale Law school and a very accomplished person. She was interim president of NARAL Pro-Choice America for a time period, and she is very experienced. Hearing her speak is a great opportunity, and attending the debate is a great way to show that you are pro-choice.
Our new t-shirts will hopefully arive in time to be sold at the debate!

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